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I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith - 2 Timothy 4:7

life history of the late mama rachel bugutsa

birth and early childhood

Rachel Bugitsa Kabwayi Sabwa was born 1923 to the late Nicodemus Senelwa and Sarah Adego being the first born in the family.


She was born in Womalalu village, Kidundu Sub-location, Central Maragoli Location, Vihiga County. She was of the Avamavi (Valogovo) clan and uncled to the Vafunami clan. She was born a healthy and lovely child to her parents.


​She was dedicated in Kidundu Friends Church in August 1923.


The late Rachel Started her education at Womalalu Primary School up to Sub-Standard A. She later joined Vihiga intermediate school. In the year 1933, she joined Kaimosi Girls Boarding School (GBS) upto 1936. She was in the pioneer class of Kaimosi GBS.


1937-1939 she joined Kaimosi Mission Hospital as a nurse trainee. She also trained in homecraft studies. She continued to take refresher courses in homecraft and attended the following instututions: Rosterman in Kakamega County, Kabete in Kiambu County and ltando in Vihiga County.

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marriage life

The late Mama Rachel was married to Simeon Lizang'a Sabwa on 23rd August 1939 in a colorful wedding at Chavakali Friends Church, which was presided over by Bwana Hoyt.


They were blessed with twelve children, six boys and six girls namely: The late Alexander, the late Benjamin Ambembo, the late Francis Kidiavai, John Sabwa, Margaret Sabwa, Mary-Linda Kadenyi, Edah Lusigi, Elizabeth Owino, Lt.Col Bob Sabwa, Dr. Diana Karanja, Serrah Sabwa and Allan Amuguni.

christian life

The late Rachel was baptized as an associate member (BK1) in 1938, Full member (BK2) in 1946 by MR. FORD.

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  • Secretary Keveye village meeting

  • Treasurer Keveye Monthly meeting

  • Secretary Keveye Monthly meeting main

  • Pioneer USFW prayer meetings

  • Treasurer EAYM of Friends in 1952 - 1979

  • Secretary EAYM SOUTH Vihiga Yearly meeting.

  • 1ST Presiding Clerk USFWK

  • Founder member Handidi Resort Centre

  • Care-taker of the less fortunate.


Because of her dedication and hard work, she was honoured and awarded two Symbolic lamps, in 1980 by the EAYM of Friends Church.

  • Nursing assistant Kaimosi Mission Hospital.

  • Social Worker with the Child Welfare Society of Kenya.

at home
  • Farmer

  • Producer of jikos - Energy Saving Jikos (GIZ)

  • Knitting and weaving (sweaters)

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The late Rachel Sabwa enjoyed and lived a healthy life. In 2000, she developed High Blood Pressure which was well managed.


On 27th April 2023, she slipped and fell, breaking her hip. On 3rd May 2023, she developed a complication and was rushed toAgakhan Hospital (Kisumu) and was admitted in the ICU Ward. The doctors tried but unfortunately on 5th May 2023 at 3:00 pm. She rested in the Lord.

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